Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

In Relation with the LYONCALCUL Initiative

Compsys follows or participates to the activities of LyonCalcul (http://lyoncalcul.univ-lyon1.fr/ ), a network to federate activities on high-performance computing in Lyon. In this context, and with the support of the Labex MILYON (http://milyon.universite-lyon.fr/ ), Compsys organized a thematic quarter on compilation from April 2013 to July 2013 (http://labexcompilation.ens-lyon.fr ). A new thematic quarter is in preparation for 2016, initiated by Violaine Louvet (Institute Camille Jordan), with the participation of the LIP teams Avalon, Compsys, and Roma. Also, Alain Darte and Alexandre Isoard have regular exchanges with Violaine Louvet and Thierry Dumont on tiling code optimizations.

Streaming Day with CITI Laboratory

Compsys has some common research interests with the Socrate Inria team from the CITI laboratory (Insa-Lyon), in particular streaming languages. In this context, Socrate (Lionel Morel), with the help of Compsys (Alain Darte), organized in April 2014, a thematic day on the “compilation and execution of streaming programs” in Domaine des Hautannes, St Germain au Mont d’Or, with 7 speakers and 32 participants. See the webpage of the event http://streaming.conf.citi-lab.fr .